Mission Your mission is to prospect and quality leads to maximize business opportunities and release field sales resource. 您的任务是寻找潜在的、有质量的线索,以***限度地提高商业机会和释放现场销售资源。 Major Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to: ? Find new contact through self-owned customer database and make cold calls/emails, quality these leads and give leads to field sales. ? Work with 3rd consultancy company, find new contact through their database and quality these leads and give leads to sales team. ? Organize sales meeting, seminars and webinars with new customer contact if leads are qualified. ? Working with business managers, reactive “sleeping account” especially in tiers segment by phone call/email. Organize sales meeting/visit if “sleeping account” has new potentials. ? Qualify leads from “PORT”, customer service, digital channels, eg. Web/EDM and give only qualified leads to field sales. ? Other task assigned by business manager. 任务职责包括但不限于: ? 通过自有的客户数据库寻找新的联系人,并通过电话/电子邮件,对这些线索进行质量管理,并为现场销售提供线索 ? 与第三方咨询公司合作,通过他们的数据库找到新的客户,并将这些客户提供给销售团队 ? 如果线索符合条件,组织销售会议,研讨会和网络研讨会与新客户联系 ? 与业务经理合作,通过电话/电子邮件接触“休眠客户”,特别是在零部件行业的客户。如果“休眠客户”有新的潜力,组织销售会议或线下拜访 ? 甄别来自“PORT”、客户服务、数字渠道(如网页、电子邮件营销)的潜在客户,将符合条件的线索提供给现场销售 ? 业务经理安排的其他任务 Education