1. Collect and analyze the information of the oversea production policy and Tax policy requirements, then develop the local EMS supplier and raw material suppliers (Metal, Electric and Electroinic) to meet to business development requirement, policy requirements.根据业务需要收集并分析海外当地制造政策和税收政策情报,开发海外成品代工厂和原材料供应商(五金,电气,电子);
2. Work with other functions to evaluate the potential suppliers, decide the supplier long list and short list, lead the RFQ, decide the supplier.和内部相关部门一起完成供应商清单确认,询价,供应商定点;
3. Lead the business flow, logistic, Purchasing Agreement negotiation with supplier; 主导供应商商流,物流,合同的谈判;
4. Make and implement the NPI plan of the project and manage the whole process of the project development to ensure its mass production on time with acceptable cost level, quality level and controllable risk. Coordinate with supplier and internal different functions for all kinds of resource.制定并有效地执行项目开发计划,确保项目的按时量产和成本品质在可接受的范围内,风险可控;协调内部和供应商的资源为项目服务;
5. Co-manage the oversea supplier’s risk on delivery, quality and cost with other functions for mass production project. 和其他部分一起管理海外供应商量产过程中的的交付,品质,成本风险;
6. Lead the continuous cost saving actions for oversea project, including yearly negotiation;主导海外项目的成本持续降低活动,包括供应商的年度谈判;
7. Optimize the workflow according to business requirements. Other tasks arranged by the supervisor; 优化内部的业务流程。上司安排的其他工作;
8. With international trading knowledge and experience, English can be work language, CET-6 or English Major; 具备国际贸易的知识基础和经验英语,英语可以做为工作语言,六级以上或英语专业;
9. Work experience as Project manager/engineer, or project buyer, or in foreign company will be preferred. 项目经理,项目工程师,项目采购,外企的工作经验,优先;
10. Excellent communication skills and experience across functions and cultures will be preferred.出色的跨部门和跨文化沟通技巧和经验优先;