AGV Engineer 面议
苏州吴中区 应届毕业生 本科
卡特彼勒(吴江)有限公司 2025-03-14 19:01:08 350人关注
Role Definition

Leading the supply chain automation projects, including but not limited to lead AGV projects deployment, overseeing the development in facility, project management, and automation/digital project support.


Included but not limited to the items as below:

Be responsible for lead AGV(AMR) deployment project, familiar with hardware and software, work with supplier to complete the projects, requiring the incumbent to have broad understanding of manufacturing business activities.
Be responsible for self-program software for AGV application. Included but not limited below:
Build tasks for AGV with specified software, performs simple logic circuit design and modifications, and resolves problems in integration testing.
Build map for AGVs, configurate worksite on map and validate worksite setting.
Be responsible for configuring AGV parameters.
Be responsible for self-program the interface with other software.
Be responsible for project management including analyzing business requirements, designing project concepts, developing and monitoring project plans, analyzing and managing costs, executing deployments.
Be responsible for lead team troubleshooting.
Creating and maintaining detailed technical documentation for automated systems and provide basic operation/troubleshoot training to the technicians.
Lead/Support other automated projects.
Degree Requirement

Degree in AGV, software, computer, mechanical, automation or Technology with relevant experience or equivalent experience desired in relevant function.

Skill Descriptors

Decision Making and Critical Thinking: Knowledge of the decision-making process and associated tools and techniques; ability to accurately analyze situations and reach productive decisions based on informed judgment.

Level Extensive Experience:

61 Differentiates assumptions, perspectives, and historical frameworks.

61 Evaluates past decisions for insights to improve decision-making process.

61 Assesses and validates decision options and points and predicts their potential impact.

61 Advises others in analyzing and synthesizing relevant data and assessing alternatives.

61 Uses effective decision-making approaches such as consultative, command, or consensus.

61 Ensures that assumptions and received wisdom are objectively analyzed in decisions.

Problem Solving: Knowledge of approaches, tools, techniques for recognizing, anticipating, and resolving organizational, operational or process problems; ability to apply knowledge of problem solving appropriately to diverse situations.

Level Extensive Experience:

61 Ensures capture of lessons to be learned from a problem-solving effort.

61 Organizes potential problem solvers and leads problem resolution efforts.

61 Uses varying problem-solving approaches and techniques as appropriate.

61 Contributes to standard practices for problem-solving approaches, tools, and processes.

61 Analyzes and synthesizes information and devises alternative resolution strategies.

61 Develops successful resolutions to critical or wide-impact problems.

Relationship Management: Knowledge of relationship management techniques; ability to establish and maintain healthy working relationships with clients, vendors, and peers.

Level Working Knowledge:

61 Provides prompt and effective responses to client requests and interactions.

61 Monitors client satisfaction levels on a regular basis.

61 Alerts own team to problems in client satisfaction.

61 Differentiates the roles and responsibilities in a business relationship.

61 Works with clients to address critical issues and resolve major problems.

Internal Resource Coordination: Knowledge of the techniques, tools and applications associated with coordination of internal resources; ability to synchronize and integrate activities, responsibilities, and command and control structures to ensure that internal resources are used most efficiently in pursuit of business objectives.

Level Extensive Experience:

61 Resolves issues related to collaborative efforts in varying business conditions.

61 Designs a comprehensive tool set to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of business information.

61 Optimizes existing collaborative styles using advanced coordination skills.

61 Advises on organizational best practices for internal resource coordination.

61 Monitors overall coordination programs and business activities for compliance with relevant policies.

61 Trains others on coordination techniques according to a particular business requirement.

Required Abilities:

Deep understanding of automated systems/Logic like AGV, robotics, PLC programming, vision systems, and their integration into production systems is preferred.
Familiar with software code and application levels, strong knowledge of software, AGV dispatch logic/AGV Programming related experience is preferred.
Familiar with mechanical and electric structure of AGV is preferred.
Understanding of construction machinery production/supply chain and process flow is preferred.
Ability to reading and writing English and simple spoken English communication.
Ability to use CAD software (like SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Pro-E)
地址:苏州吴中区苏州工业园区千人街152号 普洛斯物流园 C22 仓库


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