美国expeditors international of washington inc. 物流公司成立于1979年,总部设立于美国西雅图,1984年在美国纳斯达克上市,近年连续被美国《财富》杂志评选为世界前500强企业,全球员工超过13000人。
1993年在中国成立了北京康捷空国际货运代理有限公司,成为首批获得一级货运代理的国际物流供应商之一,主要提供进出口生产商需要的整套供应链物流解决方案, 包括空运、海运、陆运、仓储、分送、监管、报关以及货物咨询服务。
international transportation is one of the three fastest growing industries. expeditors, a fortune 500 company, is a leader in this growth sector, sets the standard for excellence in this growth sector, and we have opportunities for motivated team players who are looking for a dynamic and rewarding place to work.
expeditors specializes in freight management in 250 offices on six continents around the world. our culture of organic growth, promotion from within, combined with a strong management team and unique compensation structure, continuously attracts the highest caliber employees.